Friday, January 7, 2011

HW 29

For many years the United States government has always had it's way at convincing Americans that it's the top country in the world and everything we have is the best in the world, best government, best rights, and best services. One of the main services and major topics that come up almost everyday when you read or watch the news is our health care. Health care in this country is probably one of the most confusing topics in this country, and the biggest joke in the planet, health care can be seen as many things in the united states a "privilege", a "right", a "scam", and many other things. In most countries in the world health care can be seen as a right, but in our culture because so many people are confused about what health care is, and how it works it's only normal that people don't know what to call it. One of the main reasons health care was formed is because people get sick, no matter who you are everyone has and can or is sick. One of the main reasons health care is confusing in our country is because of insurance. Insurance was formed hundreds of years ago when Babylon’s used to go through desserts and always lose items when dust storms came and wrecked their shipments, or were robbed by bandits, and many other dangerous obstacles occurred, and in order to not lose fully insurance was formed in order to insure any lost items and have their money returned to them. and for hundreds of more years insurance started to grow entering many fields such as the slave trade when slave traders would sink salve ships and make money off every dead slave, and all the way up to health insurance. Today almost 3/4 of Americans have health insurance, which sounds great but not all health insurance is the same, which is where things get confusing.

In Michael Moore’s movie Sicko, Moore explains how health insurance companies have different policies of what covers what or who can be covered such as pre existing conditions, and if someone had or has a pre existing condition than they might not be allegeable for health insurance. Than Moore compares the United States health insurance, to Canada, the U.K., and France where health insurance isn't a privilege it's something everyone has because they understand that people get sick and need care, and they don't care about pre existing conditions.

The thing about the united states is that not only is our government stubborn but so are it's people, one of the reasons our government doesn't want universal healthcare is because it’s seen as being socialist, and American citizens believe that as well, but you would think that Americans with crappy health insurance companies or who don’t have health insurance would be for universal health insurance. President Barack Obama, tried to bring that to Americans, and it took him a year for him to make it happen because people we're against it.

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